
Monday 22 June 2015

Adorable 4-Year-Old Flower Girl Wants A Kiss Just Like The Bride [Photos+Video]

Wedding spotlight

The flower girl at a wedding in Knoxville wanted the bride’s big day to be a memorable one for herself, as well.
When Anthony Palmer and Michelle Hall of Knoxville got married last weekend, Michelle’s 4-year-old daughter, Anderson, was the flower girl.
“She was calling herself the bride the whole day,” Leah Bullard said.
Bullard was the wedding photographer that day, and immediately took notice of Anderson’s bright personality.

“Ike was the ring bearer, and I was the flower girl. Momma was the bride and Anthony..umm..umm…like kissed her,” Anderson said.

“Then I said, ‘Okay, I need the bride and groom to kiss.’ So, when I said that, well naturally…she thought I was referring to her, because she thought she was the bride and so naturally she just leaned in for a kiss and kissed that ring bearer!” said Bullard.
Not every first kiss is perfect. 
“Guess what! When momma kissed, Ikey and I kissed! I was trying to get Ikey to kiss me,” said Anderson.
She tried, but little Anderson missed her target.
Leah, knowing that it would make for a great picture, gave the flower girl a second chance to really lay one on the ring bearer. 

“I said…’Okay, let’s try that again, one more time bride and groom kiss…’ and she really went for it that time, and it was hilarious!” said Bullard.
Bullard said everyone got a kick out of the sweet and spontaneous moment.
As for Anderson and Ike…

“He was the best ring bearer ever! And he thought I was the best flower girl ever! We’re best friends,” said Anderson.
A happy ending for all.

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