
Thursday, 13 November 2014

Shortest man ever (21.5ins) meets tallest living person (8ft 1in) outside the Houses of Parliament for Guinness World Record Day

(Very) high five: Mr Dangi, who measures just 22.5 ins, and 8ft 1in tall Mr Kosen, meet in London today (Very) high five: Mr Dangi, who measures just 22.5 ins, and 8ft 1in tall Mr Kosen, meet in London today 

First time ever: Mr Kosen and Mr Dangi  met to commemorate the 10th annual Guinness World Records Day
First time ever: Mr Kosen and Mr Dangi  met to commemorate the 10th annual Guinness World Records Day
Mr Kösen, a part-time farmer, was the first man over 8ft to be measured by the company in over 20 years - and one of only 10 people on record to break the height barrier.
Mr Kösen also holds the record for largest hands of a living person, each one measuring 11.22 in from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger.
And he previously held the record for largest feet on a living person, with his left foot measuring 1 ft 2 ins and right foot measuring 1 ft 1.98 ins.
Mr Kosen, pictured with Mr Dangi also holds the record for the largest hands of a living personMr Dangi travelled thousands of miles from his remote village
Mr Kosen, pictured with Mr Dangi also holds the record for the largest hands of a living person 
Celebration: Part-time farmer Mr Kosen, from Turkey, and Mr Dangi, who lives in a remote Nepalese village
Celebration: Part-time farmer Mr Kosen, from Turkey, and Mr Dangi, who lives in a remote Nepalese village
Mr Dangi, pictured with Mr Kosen today, was declared the shortest living adult human in 2012
Mr Dangi, pictured with Mr Kosen today, was declared the shortest living adult human in 2012

Speaking at the time of his entry into the Guinness World Records, he said: 'I never imagined I would be in the book, I dreamed about it, but it was still a huge surprise'.
Mr Dangi, who lives in the isolated Nepalese village of Reemkholi, some 335miles southwest of Kathmandu, is the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.
At just 21.5ins, Mr Dangi is the same size as six cans of baked beans stacked on top of each other. He beat the benchmark set by Gul Mohammed, from New Delhi, India, who measured 22.5ins.
Three of his five brothers were less than four feet tall, while his two sisters and two brothers are of average height. 

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